Bendigo UFS Pharmacies making it easier for you.

Our Webster-pak® is the simple and safe way of keeping track of your own or a loved one’s medications.

The daily breakdown on the pack tells you what time of day to take it ensuring no mistakes are made with dosage. 

Let us take the worry out of your medication for you. 

Three great reasons to choose a  Bendigo UFS Pharmacies Webster-pak®


Webster-pak® is a sealed weekly calendar pack designed to help you or a loved one take medication correctly.

  1. Safety. Our Webster-pak® service is recognised for its distinctive visual cues. You can see at a glance if you have or haven’t taken a medication, plus it is easy to see if you are taking your medication correctly.
  2. Convenience. It’s simple to use. You simply push the designated medication out through the foil backing. Doctors can review, change dosage and add medication easily.
  3. Flexibility. Our service can cater to specific medication requirements such as before food, antibiotics and sliding scale doses.

Only $26.96* per month for UFS Members (eligible for CPA funding) 

Webster-pak® patients are also eligible for one free influenza vaccine annually.

Call us today on 5441 5590 and we’ll get you sorted.

Monthly fee for eligible patients: 26.96*

Monthly fee for non-eligible patients: 49.46*

To be eligible for a DAA Service funded under the current CPA, the Patient must satisfy the following mandatory Eligibility Criteria:

  • Holds a Medicare and/or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) card or is a person who is eligible for a Medicare card; and
  • Is living at home in a community setting; and
  • Is a current government issued concession card holder, and;
  • Has difficulties managing their medications due to literacy or language issues, physical disability or cognitive difficulties; or
  • Is taking five or more prescription medicines and is experiencing difficulties with medication management.

*UFS Members discount has already been applied to the Webster-pak® monthly fee. Full fee is $29.95 (eligible for funding) or $54.95 (non-eligible). A one-off start-up fee is applied of $29.66 (UFS Member) or$32.95 (Non Member). All medication changes/adjustments and doctor medication queries are included in this charge.

If you require an emergency Webster-pak® please enquire in store or email: .